Foodology by Deepali is not only a website of recipes but a journey and story into the most important ingredients required to create and innovate a recipe which are Love, Sharing, Risk taking, Experimenting, Innovating and above all, enjoying the experience.
“Olive Green”, the double adjective has contributed in more ways than one to my culinary journey. As a young bride married to an Army officer, Friends were more than welcome at our home. However, guests don’t live on bread and eggs alone and thus slowly but steadily, I began to create the sacred space and laboratory – My Kitchen. Luckily my family also came with a wide range of exciting taste palettes ranging from street food, desi khana to fancy. My Test Beds, “my sources of inspiration” were my family and friends.
Indeed, My Kitchen is a lab, not only did I experiment with the ingredients I had at home to be budget savvy but also on the unsuspecting visitors with a lot of innovation and creativity, thus enhancing my personality as a risk taker. I realized that my lab demanded a sort of balance while cooking that satiated my family’s taste buds with the right amount of nutritional value; the recipes included a wide variety of tried and tested, some with a twist and some of my own. Over the years, travelling across the length and breadth of the country, I experimented with the local spices and cooking while enjoying the scenic beauty. And voila! I began to realise that cooking is no rocket science but Science it is.
Talking about love and risk taking, I turned into an entrepreneur with my new found passion for chocolates with chocolatier@gurgaon in 2015. But my Original Love; Food and the Lab drew me back as I wanted to innovate, experiment, share the experiences and give back to the world; especially the “Olive Green” all I have learned. Foodology by Deepali is my honest endeavor to provide a platform for all like minded people to share their experiences and enhance our journey together.
"मैं अकेला ही चला था जानिब-ए-मंज़िल मगर, लोग साथ आते गए और कारवाँ बनता गया"