Irani Biryani


1kg boneless chicken
1/2kg basmati rice
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon cumin (minced)
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon ginger (minced)
1/2 teaspoon chili powder (optional)
3 tablespoons thick curd yogurt
2 cinnamon sticks
2 onions (chopped)
1 1/2 garlic
2 cloves
salt to taste


Fry half the garlic, ginger and onion in a large pot, then add half the black pepper, cinnamon, yogurt, cumin, chili, salt and cloves. Stir for 5-10 minutes over a low heat, making sure the mixture does not get dry.Add the chicken pieces to the spice mixture and mix. Cover the pot tightly and simmer for 45 minutes till the chicken is tender. Rinse the rice and soak it in water with some oil for 30 minutes, then drain.Prepare the remaining onions and spices as in the first step, and cook in vegetable oil in a saucepan, stirring. Add the rice and stir until cooked. If the chicken has cooled, warm up over a low heat. When hot, put the chicken into a large deep serving pot and press it to the bottom.Add rice to the chicken and mix. Cover with a tight-fitting lid and leave for 15 minutes on a medium heat. Serve

Foodology by Deepali