Why this ?????
*Tulsi helps to relieve anxiety and improve moods.it helps to ease stress and improve cognitive functions.Tulsi has significant cholesterol lowering and antioxidants effects and helps in lowering blood sugar also.
*Mint being rich in many nutrients helps in improving digestion and manages gastric problems.Agood anti allergic and helps in fighting common cold symptoms.
*Ginger is the healthiest and most delicious spice on this earth and has powerful benefits for our body and brain .It helps in improving digestion and very effective for exercise induced muscle pain and soreness.
*Amla other than boosting immunity,it is the purest form of vitamin C ,and helps us to make our blood vessels stronger and thicker . It reduces risk of heart disease and regulates cholesterol.it gives us glowing skin and keeps us hydrated.
**stay healthy ☕ ☕ ☕