Stuffed Tandoori Aloo


potatoes medium size -6
mashed paneer – 5tbsp
green chillies – 2-3(chopped finely)
ginger – chopped
hung curd – 1 cup
chilli powder – 1/2 tsp
coriander leaves- 2 tsp
garam masala – 1 tsp
salt to taste


Par boil potatoes with skin and scoop the cut portion of the potatoes . Take a bowl, add mashed paneer ,hung curd in it. Mix it well.Add chopped green chillies , salt, ginger , coriander leaves to it. Fry the scooped potatoes until light brown. Fill in the stuffing nicely.Heat tandoor and cook potatoes for 5-7 minutes. In case, you don’t have tandoor at home, heat gridle nicely. Place potatoes on it and cover it with a lid. Cook it on slow heat for 4-5 minutes . Cut into halves and serve with green chutney.

Foodology by Deepali