
250 gms dark chocolate- chipped
1/3 cup thick cream
1 tsp of rum essence
1 tbsp cocoa to coat


Soft and Creamy

Place fresh cream in a heavy bottomed saucepan , on low heat.
Heat till cream is warm but do not boil as this will cause curdling.
Add chipped chocolate. Cook on very low heat stirring continuously for about 5 minutes, till sauce thickens and starts leaving the sides. Remove from fire. Wait for a minute. Add rum essence.Mix well.
Put truffle mixture in the freezer for at least 1/2 – 1 hour or till set enough to make round balls.
Make balls. Roll in icing sugar to coat. Keep in the fridge.
Once the balls are set, melt the chocolate for covering . Add 3-4 balls to the melted chocolate. Stir wit a fork to coat chocolate. Remove balls from the melted chocolate . Shake off the excess.
Place chocolate on the foil.
Sprinkle some silver balls on top of them and serve.

Foodology by Deepali