Grilled chicken salad


1. mayo / hung curd-1cup
2. Honey – 4 tsp
3. Vinegar – 3 tsp
4. Salt & paper
5. Grilled chicken-200gms
6. Crushed almonds-1/2 cup
7. Apple -1diced
8. Lettuce leaves


1. Combine curd/mayo, honey, vinegar, salt & pepper in a bowl untill creamy.
2. Combine chicken ,almond, apple in it and chill in the refrigerator for 1 hr.
3. Keep lettuce leaves in ice cold water for sometime .This will help to keep it fresh and crisp. Cut hard stem of leaf and spread it on a platter.spoon a large portion of chicken salad into the wrap.
4. You can serve it like this also and can roll the lettuce also to create a wrap.
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Foodology by Deepali